4618New 20/20 Vision safety campaign targets heightened risk awareness  

New 20/20 Vision safety campaign targets heightened risk awareness  

24/2/20: TClarke’s Group Health & Safety Team works constantly to raise awareness and refocus our frontline teams on specific aspects of Health &  Safety practice. The new 20/20 Vision campaign is all about assessing your work area, as Health and Safety Technical Director, Marc Bailey explained to all our teams at the campaign’s launch last week:

Our New Poster ‘focuses’ on taking a moment (20 seconds), to look, survey, listen and self-assess both the immediate work area and the surrounding work area within a 20 feet (6m) radius. 

The intention of this action is firstly to observe and then ensure that all potential hazards which may result in an accident or incident e.g. Slips, Trips, Falls or head/body strike hazards are ALL identified, eliminated but most of ALL avoided! 

Examples of the above causation may be as a result of poor housekeeping, poor storage or over- loading of work zones/floors with install/strip-out materials. Therefore, please make sure that all your access and egress routes are suitably clear, which is especially important when ascending and descending access equipment. Make sure no obstructions or items you can trip or stumble over have been placed in your work vicinity. 

Remember also any items such as structural protrusions or deviations when working at height, because if they were there when you went up your access equipment they will most certainly still be there when you come down after completing a task! 

Good observation, improved spatial awareness and improved identification of congested or impeded work zones and access routes is essential. 

Once the areas have been cleared and left tidy, with suitable protective measures undertaken, this should help ensure a clean and clear site, which is imperative for Healthy and Safe Workers. 

Fact: A large percentage of accidents happen directly within a two feet radius of an immediate workface