10335TClarke Healthcare tech in 80% + of all new UK scanning facilities

TClarke Healthcare tech in 80% + of all new UK scanning facilities

The story of TClarke’s drive to leadership in technologies often focuses on our major data centre, alternative energy, and smart building projects, but our leadership in critical specialist healthcare technologies is also outstanding. Nigel Thompson, Divisional Director (Healthcare), reflects on five years of achievement that has seen our involvement in over 2500 new diagnostic imaging rooms across the country.

“Our numbers tell their own story. Over the past five years we have delivered 49 major turnkey imaging room projects. These involve us as principal contractor in designing, building and installing major scanning suites. These are highly specialised engineering tasks and we are one of the leading players in the UK industry.

“We have deep and longstanding technology-led relationships with all of the global scanning technology organisations – GE, Phillips, Siemens, Canon and Samsung. These are not superficial relationships – these world class businesses also rely on our own TClarke patented technology.

“The bespoke control panels which we precision-manufacture at our Manufacturing facility in Stansted are mission-critical and used in more than 80% of all new UK scanning facilities over the last five years.

“Alongside this technology relationship, we have built a great depth of associated technical knowledge and expertise – and all of this has been instrumental in our being welcomed as the first associate members into AXREM, which is the UK trade association representing the interests of suppliers of diagnostic medical imaging, radiotherapy, healthcare IT and care equipment including patient monitoring in the UK.

“At the heart of modern healthcare projects, you find these diagnostic and imaging technologies driving so much of the next generation of provision and thinking. So our role as a team is quite genuinely, central to the healthcare of the nation going forward.”